This is the Quran by GainPeace

This is the Quran’ is a video to educate about the primary teachings of the Quran and to dispel misunderstanding about Islam and the the Quran’.
Quran is the revelation given to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, by the Creator as a guidance for humanity. The main themes of the Quran is to invite humanity to worship the Creator, to follow its comprehensive guidance in daily life and to receive instruction about salvation in the hereafter. We invite everyone to read the Quran and benefit from eternal message. 

For further details about the Quran and Islam, please contact or visit

this video was filmed in by GainPeace a project of icna, in Chicago.
Our non-Muslim guest can obtain a free copy of the Quran (English translation) by callingl: 800-662-ISLAM.