There is no compulsion in religion

Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (Al-Qur’an, 2, 256 )

the right to freedom is granted. God endowed man with senses and with the mind to think, to reflect, and to find the truth. It is his duty to think correctly and seriously. It is his responsibility not to let his senses fall into disuse, or to be used for wrong purposes.

The freedom of thought is absolute in the sense of exploring the universe and discovering its signs and laws, and man may employ all the power that he has to investigate the secrets of the universe But man’s desires may not be indulged without any restrictions. Man’s energy is limited, and if he dissipates that energy in imbibing pleasures and carnal desires, nothing will be left to serve the cause of truth and the doing of good. When we apply these observations to the present civilization we would say that the human mind sometimes seems to be employed for positive constructive ends, which is good and admirable; but such activities as may lead to suffering, regression, psychoses and physical harm should be condemned, because they are the result of breaking loose of desires and pleasure.

It is for this reason that we say with confidence while the freedom of thought should be guaranteed, the indulgence of desire should be restricted.

In Islam, compulsion in any sense is disallowed. Here are some forms :


Any one who is coerced to accept Islam does not benefit by that belief, and it is of no avail for him in the hereafter. It is essential for belief to be valid that the individual enters it of his own accord with a convinced heart.

The Holy Qur’an narrates in describing Pharoah, at the point of drowning, that he declared his faith in God as his lord and the object of his worship. But his belief was of no value at that time. Let’s read the verses :

“At length, when overwhelmed with the flood, he said: ‘ I believe that there is no god except him whom the Children of Israel believe in : I am of those who submit (to God in Islam)’. (It was said to him), Ah now ! – But a little while before, wast thou in rebellion ! – and thou didst mischief (and violence)!,” (10. 90-91).

The Scripture also narrates of a certain people:

But when they saw Our punishment, they said : We believe in God – the One God – and we reject the partners we used to join with him. ‘ But their professing the faith when they (actually) saw our punishment was not going to profit them. ” (40, 84-85).

In the same way, repentance from sins and misdeeds is not accepted unless the individual performs it with resolution and firm intention.


The task of God’s messengers, and all da’wah workers is confined to delivering the message and clarifying truth. They are not responsible for people’s conversion and acceptance of religion. They should do what they can to give good advice, to call people to do good and forbid them to do wrong. As for guidance to truth and to faith that is not the responsibility of messengers and da’wah workers.

The above point indicates one aspect of freedom-man’s freedom from all forms of supervision concerning his relation with his Creator. This relation is direct, and no intermediary whatsoever is allowed to intervene between man and his Creator, not even an angel or a prophet. This may be supported with the following verse from the Holy Qur’an, addressed to prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him :

Therefore do thou give admonition, for thou art one to admonish. Thou art not one to manage (men’s) affairs. ” (88, 21-22).

Third: The Condition of non-Muslims in the Muslim State

Non-Muslims used to lead a normal life in the Muslim state, without being harassed concerning their beliefs or scriptures. Indeed, at the arrival of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be on him, at Medinah, he included the following article in the document which represented a constitution for life in Medinah :

… any Jew who lives under us is entitled to protection and equality… The Jews’ religion is their own, and the Muslims’ religion is their own… Our neighbours are equals, not to be molested or to be held sinful”

The Jews were left to adhere to their religion, and their property was untouched. The same treatment was given to the Christians of Najran.

And the companions of the Messenger followed his lead in treating non-Muslims. Abu Bakr, may God favour him, told one of his army leaders : “… You will come across persons who have devoted themselves to worship in the seclusion of cells, so let them alone…”

Similarly, the second caliph Umar, ordered his deputies : “My commandment is that non-Muslims in the state should be treated kindly, and that pacts entered in with them should be kept. Any enemy who approaches on their side must be fought back. They may not be given a task that is beyond their endurance…”

In the same way, Ali, the fourth caliph, pledged : “… whoever is given our covenant will have his life protected like our life, and his diyah (A sum of money paid as compensation to the family of a killed person.) is guaranteed..”

There is a long tradition in Islamic history of allowing followers of other religions to practice their religions and to adhere to their faith. No one was coerced to accept Islam.

It is well-known to all that this tolerant attitude was not the result of weakness in the Muslim state. It was adopted at the peak of power when the state was growing. It would have been quite easy to force people to Convert to Islam, but this was not done.


A Muslim man who marries a Christian or a Jewish woman may not compel her to abandon her religion and become a Muslim . She has full right to adhere to her religion, and if she does she enjoys all the rights of a wife.

Abdullâh bin Muhammad bin Humaid
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