Category Archives: Introduction to Islam

We are not terrorists!

Major Derrill Guidry says: I’m a soldier who just happens to be Muslim. It doesn’t have anything to do with my job. We need the support of the American people in order to survive as soldiers. Knowing that the people we serve are behind us, beside us, and with us, gives us the encouragement we […]

Muslim Heroes

It all started in September 2010, during the Park51 “Ground-Zero Mosque” controversy. The same rhetoric spewed out of the mouths of the Islamophobes seeking to spark more anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sentiment in America. We’d heard it all too many times before in fact, for the past nine years we’d heard the anti-Islam and anti-Muslim rhetoric being spewed […]

Forgiveness & Compassion: The change within

Rais Bhuiyan – A hate crime survivor speaks about his experience.

Royal Charter granted to the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies

The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) has been granted the Royal Charter. This will be celebrated at an event hosted by the Centre’s Patron, HRH The Prince of Wales, on 15 May, 2012.Royal Charters, granted by the sovereign on the advice of the Privy Council, have a history dating back to the 13th century. […]

Muslim Personality Workshop

Take the Muslim Personality test on – We often are reminded about the importance of working together but rarely are we shown how to. Muslim Personality can be used a resource for those who want to learn more about themselves and the test is free. For those who want a detailed report, there is a 29 […]

Islam’s universal Mercy to Animals

The universal mercy of Islam embraces not only human beings, whether Muslims, People of the Book, or unbelievers, but all other living creatures of Allah as well. Accordingly, Islam prohibits cruelty against animals. Fourteen hundred years before any societies for the prevention of cruelty against animals were established, Islam made kindness towards animals a part […]

The Explanation of the Beautiful and Perfect Names of Allaah

A large number of the Beautiful Names of Allaah are repeated manifold in the Qur`aan as demanded by the occasion and it is necessary to explain their meanings in a succinct way. So we say: Ar-Rabb (The Lord) This name has been repeatedly mentioned in many verses. Ar-Rabb is the One Who nurtures and sustains […]

There is no compulsion in religion

Let there be no compulsion in religion.” (Al-Qur’an, 2, 256 ) the right to freedom is granted. God endowed man with senses and with the mind to think, to reflect, and to find the truth. It is his duty to think correctly and seriously. It is his responsibility not to let his senses fall into […]

Paradise At Her Feet

Where do you find Paradise?The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Paradise is at the feet of the mother.” This is variously interpreted to mean that the mother is responsible for teaching her children their religious obligations and good behavior that will win them Paradise; or it may mean that we earn […]