Category Archives: ECONOMY AND FINANCE

Muslims on Wall Street, Bridging Two Traditions

If you were an investment bank executive and a Muslim applicant noted that, due to religious reasons, s/he could not shake hands with someone from the opposite sex, needed a private place to pray five times a day, and could not go to places where alcohol was consumed, would you employ the person? If so, […]

Investing our time wisely Part II (one of life’s most precious assets)

Last week’s article discussed the importance of using one’s limited time on earth wisely. It cited various excerpts from the Quran that highlighted the importance of living a full and fruitful life, including investing in the right beliefs, doing good deeds and exhorting truth and endurance. You can either consume or invest your time. When one consumes time they engage in activities that are not of benefit to themselves or others – essentially ‘killing time’ […]