Category Archives: Contemporary Islam

Jesus in Islam

In Islam, Jesus (Isa; Arabic: ʿĪsā) is considered to be a Messenger of God and the Masih (Messiah) who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā’īl) with a new scripture, the Injil or Gospel.The belief in Jesus (and all other messengers of God) is required in Islam, and a requirement of being a […]

Religious Tolerance in Muslim History

Religious intolerance has become too much a part of modern life. It is a fact of life, though, that good people, of whatever faith, do not poke fun or try to insult one another’s religion. On the contrary, we find that real people of faith are keen to get to know each other better and […]

Muslim fun day at Six flags

ICNA presented the Muslim Family Day. The event was first held at Six Flags Great Adventure, NJ, in September 2000. The event was immediately a huge success. The tragic events of 9/11 that resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives, also affected this event directly. The chief organizer, Tariq Amanullah, who worked on […]

Interfaith Dialogue in Islam

What does the Qur’an say about dialogue with people of other faiths? Many people are under the impression that Muslims are close-minded and unwilling to engage in discussion with people of other faiths. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Qur’an offers very clear guidelines and encouragement for Muslims to engage in interfaith dialogue. […]

The God Who Unites Us

In the following video, David Carroll discusses the “God Who Unites Us” as well as the commonalities between Islam and Christianity, at the ICNA – MAS 2012 convention.

Why a Scientist Believes in God

This article of Mr A. Cressy Morrison, former President of the New York Academy of Sciences, first appeared in the “Reader’s Digest” (January 1948); then on recommendation of Professor C. A. Coulson, F. R.S., Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, was republished in the “Reader’s Digest” November 1960 – It shows how science compels the scientists to […]

Do You Think Or Does The Media Think For You?

As our non-Muslim guests, you may want to gain a more basic understanding of the true essence of ISLAM both from a religious and political point of view. There may also be others who have shown interest in Islam and are looking for additional information or have a particular question. What we’d like to explain […]

Do You Believe That Evolution Is True?

Do You Believe That Evolution Is True? If so, then provide an answer to the following questions. “Evolution” in this context is the idea that natural, undirected processes are sufficient to account for the existence of all natural things. 1. Something from nothing?  Where did the energy for the “Big Bang” come from? And what […]

If God is loving, kind, and merciful, why would He punish anyone in Hell?

Due to a slight misunderstanding, many people see this as an unresolvable contradiction. This question has troubled them to the point of driving them away from religion altogether. The misunderstanding begins with the assumption that God loves everyone, even sinners. Then it becomes difficult to explain why God would punish sinners. Some people attempt to […]