Discovering Islam’S Value – Part II

In the last article we discussed how Islam is more than the acts of worship towards God, which Muslims undertake to profess their faith. Islam includes many fundamental values that help humans live a balanced and happy life, in harmony with the world around them. We discussed the Islamic values of honoring one’s parents, honoring women, recognizing the equality of all humans and renouncing violence. In This article will expand further on fundamental Islamic values.

Honoring one’s neighbor

Both the holy Quran and the Prophet’s Hadith direct Muslims to show kindness to neighbors. The Prophet directed Muslims to treat their neighbors with respect, regardless of their religious beliefs. To demonstrate the concept, he explained that one should not make one’s home higher than that of one’s neighbor’s without first consulting with one’s neighbour – to ensure the newly proposed structure does not prevent one’s neighbour from enjoying the sun and wind. In other words, it is important to respect the needs and rights of those around you at all times. Another example he cited was if a Muslim were to bring fresh fruit to his home he should offer some as a gift to his neighbor, or when cooking, if one suspects the smell has seeped outdoors to the neighbour’s home, you are encouraged to offer some as a gift.

“(Show) kindness unto parents, and unto near kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and unto the neighbor who is of kin (unto you) and the neighbor who is not of kin”
(Al-Nisa 36)

Forbiddance of gossip, spying, and backbiting

According to Islam personal privacy is sacred and is not to be violated under any circumstances. Islamic teachings forbid espionage in all form. According to Islam, every word that comes out of a Muslim’s mouth reflects on his character, whether it is good or bad, one will be held accountable for whatever one has said on judgment day. Consequently, Muslims are urged to watch what they say, and to think carefully about what they say before anything is spoken. In Islam Muslims are advised they are not to speak badly about anyone in their absence to not backbite or gossip about others. The holy Quran likens one who backbites to one that eats the flesh of his dead brother.

“O ye who believe! Shun much suspicion; for lo! Some suspicion is a crime. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Ye abhor that (so abhor the other)! And keep your duty (to Allah).”
(Al-Hujraat: 12)

By committing to these values, Muslim’s strive to promote peace and harmony in their communities. Sadly, in today’s world some Muslims are not committed to promoting these values.

In the next article we will discuss important Islamic values governing financial and business maters. Until then, thanks for reading this article. Your questions or comments are welcome.

By: Dr. Malek Yamani