10 Easy Ways To Enter Paradise

1. Listen to your mother

2. Help your mother

3. Smile at your mother

4. Be thankful to your mother for whatever she does for you

5. Spend time with your mother

6. Always ask your mother if you can help her with anything

7. Buy your mother gifts

8. Be good to your mother’s family and friends

9. Study hard and lead a good life so that your mother is happy

10. Always pray for your mother, especially after every salaah (prayer).

However hard we try, we can never repay our mothers for what they have done for us, but we can at least try, and also ask allah to repay them for us. our mothers are indeed a great blessing from allah. We should appreciate and value this blessing as much as we can. Whilst our mothers are alive, we have a golden opportunity to guarantee ourselves paradise and also success in this world.

Reminder : we will only truly realise the value of our mothers when they are no longer with us – when they have passed away, but then it will be too late!